Al Jazeera America (AJAM) was the highest quality, most objective journalism in the USA for three years, winning multiple awards and very high praise in the industry. However, their business model was unsustainable due to multiple factors (including anti-arab/islamic racism and a set of horrible contacts they submitted to so they could get on to US cable TV). The main factor (the contracts) could be mitigated or eliminated if properly addressed. The deals prevented AJAM from (among other things) placing any significant media from the TV cable network online. This would doom any news network to failure these days. At least the online portion survived, evolving into AJ+. America needs a network like this now more than ever before. When Jon Stewart needed the absolute fact to shove in someone's face, it was AJAM he turned to. The network was being quoted by every other news agency almost daily for that matter. They were breaking stories about the Flint water crisis, Syria, western land use disputes becoming violent before anyone else! Please sign my MoveOn petition to convince the administration to give AJAM another try. We lost them right as we ended up needing them most. In the current political climate, AJAM would be an island of sanity, and I imagine quite profitable. Check out this montage of their coverage and please click the image above or this link to sign the petition today!